30 juli 2006

Captains Log: Stardate 9986.104 - Sentient Meat

"They're made out of meat."


"Meat. They're made out of meat."


"There's no doubt about it. We picked several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."

"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars."

"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."

"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."

"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."

"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in the sector and they're made out of meat."

"Maybe they're like the Orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."

"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take too long. Do you have any idea the life span of meat?"

"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the Weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma brain inside."

"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads like the Weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."

"No brain?"

"Oh, there is a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat!"

"So... what does the thinking?"

"You're not understanding, are you? The brain does the thinking. The meat."

"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"

"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you getting the picture?"

"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."

"Finally, Yes. They are indeed made out meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."

"So what does the meat have in mind?"

"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the universe, contact other sentients, swap ideas and information. The usual."

"We're supposed to talk to meat?"

"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there? Anyone home?' That sort of thing."

"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"

"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat." "I thought you just told me they used radio."

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."

"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"

"Officially or unofficially?"


"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome, and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in the quadrant, without prejudice, fear, or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing."

"I was hoping you would say that."

"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?" "I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say?" `Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"

"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."

"So we just pretend there's no one home in the universe."

"That's it."

"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you have probed? You're sure they won't remember?"

"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."

"A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream."

"And we can mark this sector unoccupied."

"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"

"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."

"They always come around."

"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how utterly, cold this galaxy would be if one were all alone with no-one to talk to but meat."

Posted by: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup) From: John Schnurer
To: vortex , John Schnurer
Subject: Je repond!
Subject: Captains Log, Stardate 9986.104 , "Sentient Meat"

The differences between male and female was easier:

27 juli 2006

But what is this?

Can you see what it is?
This is.....

Picasso, an English Springer Spaniel whitch lives with me this summer. A good friend!

18 juli 2006


the footballteam in my heart since 1973 makes me even more proud!

This is from http://www.fcbarcelona.com/eng/noticias/noticias/n06071401.shtml

14, JUL 06 12:56

Global agreement with UNICEF

UNICEF and FC Barcelona have reached a global agreement to work together over the next five years to help orphaned children in vulnerable situations and, in particular, those that have the HIV/AIDS virus.

Below is the joint statement made by FC Barcelona and UNICEF on Friday.

"UNICEF, the United Nations agency whose goal it is to guarantee children's rights, and Futbol Club Barcelona, through their Fundació, have reached an agreement to work together for the benefit of orphaned children in vulnerable situations, in particular those that are affected by the HIV/AIDS virus.

"With this new global alliance with UNICEF, FC Barcelona, through their Fundaciò, is committed to defending these objectives for the next five years.

"The signatures and the official presentation of the agreement will take place on August 11 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, within the framework of the tour of Mexico and the United States that the first team football squad are undertaking.

"The theme of this accord is Barça, more than a club, a new global hope for vulnerable children.

"UNICEF was founded in 1946 by General Assembly of the United Nations to reply to childrens' urgent needs in Europe which, after World War Two, were in a very precarious situation.

"The first UNICEF programmes allowed emergency help to reach millions of children in the Middle East, China and Europe. Since then, the protection of all children, without distiction of race, beliefs, nationality or religion has become a universal mission that is now almost 60 years old."

13 juli 2006

This is really cool!

Visiting one of our local internett-cafes you are offered cool drinks!

How cool can it be? None better, I bet!

12 juli 2006

Green spot!

The Mijas Communitys gardeners do a really good job and are making lot of green lounges all over the community! This is a little spot between two roads just besides a roundabout in Las Lagunas where the trafic always is busy.

10 juli 2006

The Old Andalucian Farmhouse.

It will soon be gone, big ugly machines are getting closer for every day and a part of the local history are dying.
(I also had a picture of this house in my blog the 14. of December.)

08 juli 2006

Fødselsdag.... :-)

Når jeg har fødselsdag tenker jeg ofte som så at jeg har blitt enda et år eldre og det er ikke alltid like morsomt å tenke slik, men alternativet er jo ikke noe bedre.

Så får man noen presanger... og i år fikk jeg ett nytt digitalkamera som jeg nå leker med og prøvefotograferer. Dette er første vellykkede testbilde. Tusen takk til dere som ga meg denne nye gleden!

Nada mas.

05 juli 2006

Dagen i dag er den dagen jeg iallefall ikke skriver noe. I dag er det bare et av mine bilder som får snakke.

Nada mas